Wednesday 10 February 2016

$2.1bn Arms Deal: Perpetrators Should Face Firing Squad, Says NATFORCE

The National Task Force to Combat illegal importation/smuggling of arms, ammunition, light weapons and pipeline vandalism (NATFORCE) on Tuesday said those found culpable in the ongoing $2.1 billion arms deal probe should face firing squad, while some should be sentenced to life imprisonment.
Its Director General, Dr. Osita Okereke, stated this at a press conference in Abuja, where he also stressed that those that allowed the Boko Haram insurgents to bring in ammunition into the country unhindered should also be arrested and prosecuted.

According to him, "People talk of revolution. How does it come? We wouldn't want the kind of revolution that happened in Ghana. This is the type of revolution that we want in Nigeria: to purge ourselves and see those criminals who embezzle our money and send them to prison, in fact, some of them should to go to life jail, some should go to firing squad."
Continuing, he noted: "I blame former President Goodluck Jonathan. He said that members of Boko Haram were in his government but he could not sack or expose them. What shows that Dasuki is not a member of Boko Haram?
"Most of them are going to go scott-free, but those people at the committee who appropriated that money and knowing that the money was not used for the purpose, they should go for firing squad. Look at what happened in Nyanya, Kano..."
The DG expalined further, "Another thing we needed him to do is to bring back those people who allowed Boko Haram to bring all these arms, somebody like former Comptroller of Customs; they must look for wherever he’s hiding and get him arrested and prosecute him, because 80 per cent of the problem that we are suffering today is caused by customs. That is why customs is fighting National Task Force because we know what they were doing."


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